Albert Walter & The Grist Mill

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Newspaper article circa 1894

Terrible Accident to a Child.

Little 7-year-old Albert Walter loses a leg in his Father’s mill.

Albert Walter, aged 7 years, lies at the home of his father, J.T. Walter, the miller, up the Bushkill, with one leg gone and his life in the balance. He and his young brother were playing on the fourth floor of the flour mill at Walter’s Lower Mill Wednesday afternoon when in some way his right leg was caught in the gearing and drawn in between the cogs of the bolting machine. It was so badly mangled and crushed that it was necessary to take the leg off at the socket. The operation was performed by Drs. Arndt and Walter.   The boy is doing as well as could be expected.

A photograph of Walter’s Lower Mill, Forks Township, Northampton Co., PA showing location of accident.

A photograph of Walter’s Lower Mill, Forks Township, Northampton Co., PA showing location of accident.

Mr. Walter says that the children were never allowed to play in that part of the mill or to go up there.  He had several times taken them to that floor to show them how dangerous it was and how easily they might get hurt and had forbidden them ever to go up. He heard the young child scream and stopped the machinery instantly but it was too late.

Mrs. Walter is prostrated by the accident. Her health has been such of late that she is virtually an invalid and this accident it is feared will greatly aggravate her case.

Albert died 12 April 1894


Richard Walter